experience design for insurance services

reduce friction · reduce customer attrition · increase customer loyalty

when insureds interact with insurers during a time a loss, cumbersome processes, lengthy data collection and latent communication are, exacerbated by stress.  a negative insured experience leads to dissatisfaction and attrition.

reimagine an insured’s customer journey by leveraging dimitri’s expertise in human behavior, process engineering and automation technologies.

dimitri’s ontological methodology ensures a that human behavior is centric to processes and systems.

reimagine a customer’s journey by leveraging dimitri’s deep expertise in human behavior, process engineering and automation technologies. 

simply the insured’s journey through the claims process

reduce claim processing time

stay ahead of state and federal compliance requirements.

increase customer loyalty 

property and casualty claim experience

at the time of loss, policy holders demand to be informed and engaged. provide an accurate and fast p&c claims experience via the channel of preference for the policyholder.

medical claims experience

the medical claims process is very complex and spans across, doctors, payees, payers and service providers. streamlining the claims process will promote accurate and faster claims experiences for all parties involved.

self-service / automated-service experience

blending self-service and automated-service models into a hybrid service model while reducing friction is a complex process. a mobile-first approach empowers customers to interact real-time when they want, how they want.

digital mailroom

when customers have to interact with your organization using analog (paper) channels, its essential to capture data from those documents at first touch. the ability to capture data from documents at first touch and associate that data with the customer and customer’s transition will reduce the introduction of process friction.

dimitri was able to simply our claims process and reduce our claims processing time by 41%.  this enabled us to tighten our sla and provide a higher level of service.

~ vice president of claims