experience design for financial services

reduce friction · reduce customer attrition · increase customer loyalty

any friction a customer experiences during an in-branch or digital transaction will result in a negative customer experience.  a negative customer experience leads to customer attrition. 

negative customer experiences, dark processes and disjointed customer journeys are just a few of the challenges facing financial institutions in the current age of savvy, connected and empowered customers.

dimitri’s ontological methodology ensures a that a human-centered approach is in front of systems and processes.

reimagine a customer’s journey by leveraging dimitri’s deep expertise in human behavior, process engineering and automation technologies. 

reduce friction within the customer journey

optimize and reinvent current processes to save time and increase value.

leverage human-centric design for an optimized customer journey.

increase customer loyalty 

customer onboarding experience

the customer onboarding experience is worth more than the transaction it supports. using a customer preferred channel, self-service, approach will promote customer loyalty and provide lead on competition.

new account and account maintenance experience

new account opening and account maintenance are processes that are highly susceptible to friction. streamlining the customer journey and adopting an omni-channel methodology will enhance the customer experience as well as increase customer loyalty.

self-service / automated-service experience

blending self-service and automated-service models into a hybrid service model while reducing friction is a complex process. a mobile-first approach empowers customers to interact real-time when they want, how they want.

digital mailroom

when customers have to interact with your organization using analog (paper) channels, its essential to capture data from those documents at first touch. the ability to capture data from documents at first touch and associate that data with the customer and customer’s transition will reduce the introduction of process friction.

dimitri reduced a 23 step process that took customers 15 minutes to complete – down to a sexy 6 step process that takes 3.5 minutes to complete.  his human centered approach to redesigning our process has immeasurably increased customer satisfaction. 

~ director of customer satisfaction